Thursday, April 23, 2015

Crypt of the Necrodancer Launch!

Hi everyone! I am very proud and excited to finally make this post. Crypt of the Necrodancer is out of Early Access and out on Steam in its full glory! If you’re here to find out where to buy the music, check out the quick guide below.


If you want just my soundtrack: Steam DLC - Bandcamp - out soon on iTunes & commercial outlets (you don’t get exact times with submission services! (2 days to 2 weeks they said).
If you want mine AND Jules and A_Rival’s: Steam DLCs.
If you want just Jules’s soundtrack, check his YouTube for his release announcement!
If you want just A_Rival’s soundtrack, it is here!

As you may have heard, we enlisted the services of FamilyJules7x and A_Rival to help make the soundtrack bigger than it already was. We now have alternate, crossfadable versions of the soundtrack, for Aria and Melody respectively. I wanted to share some of the details on how you can purchase these soundtracks.

On Steam, there will be two options for DLC to purchase. One is $10, and is my own original soundtrack by itself. 100% of the profits go to me. The other option is for $5, and that includes both Jules's and A_Rival’s soundtracks, and 100% of those profits go to them. If you want to have ALL the music that’s in the game, you would need to purchase both DLC options. If you purchased the soundtrack while the game is in early access, you should already have both soundtracks DLC’s unlocked in your Steam account.

Outside of Steam, Jules and A_Rival have free reign on where and how they can sell their music. A_Rival’s is available for purchase here with additional-length mixes, and Jules plans on having his up within a week, with additional tracks! Keep an eye on their Twitters and Youtube channels for when they go up. My soundtrack, outside of Steam, is up on Bandcamp here, and you will be able to stream it on Spotify and Tidal, and buy it on iTunes and Amazon and everywhere else as soon as they put them up. I'll be tweeting about it when it happens, so keep an eye on my Twitter.


Once you buy the soundtrack, you are free to use it on Twitch or YouTube streams. Even if they’re monetized!  If you do, please provide a link back to my website. And please make sure you use the tracks from the Bandcamp release, and not the older Early Access versions! If you decide to link to a certain song on Youtube, please use the videos in this playlist, as they are the official and latest versions.

On Steam:
$10 for my soundtrack on Steam and elsewhere, streaming on Spotify and Tidal soon.
$5 for Jules and A_Rival’s on Steam, special editions soon elsewhere, follow @FamilyJules7x and @8BitPimp on Twitter for details!

Thanks for all the support, and I’ll always love you!
